
Glo BIS appear to be the only BIS (Blackberry Internet Service) that was working in Nigeria apart from Airtel which data consumption rate is very high with other device apart from
Blackberry Phones. But some time ago it was stopped from working with other device. It service charges goes for 1000 naira and you are given 3gigabyte of Data.
Until recently some discovery was made that this glo BIS can still work with android and in turn share with other device either through USB tethering or Wi-Fi tethering.
   1. Rooted android Phone
   2. Blackberry IMEI
   3. USB Cable
1.       Rooting your android Phone; in rooting your android you will need a Usb cable with which you will connect the phone to a laptop (ensure to enable USB debugging on the android) you will need the software kingoroot, download kingo root from this link. Lunch the kingoroot please do connect the laptop to internet before launching (ie. Here should be the kingoroot so that it can download its drivers, it doesn't take much data say 20mb you will be done. Wait for the installation to complete. Then connect your Android phone via USB (ensure you have enabled usb debugging to do this SETTING > DEVELOPERS OPTION> thick enable usb debugging) click "ROOT" on the kingoroot, wait for the operation to complete then you see success
Note: its illegal to change the IMEI of your device in some countries and its void the warranty that may come with the android device but when you do a factory reset it returns it back to the way it was. You can try changing the IMEI if it will be successfully before going to root the device  
  2.   Get the IMEI generator (please read the installation note before proceeding) after successfulinstallation click on get imei and continue to get your new Blackberry IMEI. (if you were unable to generate IMEI use any of these i generated    358265010719380   358265016759133  358265010779830  358265018769635  358265013719361)   write down the Imei number then  you need to access the Engineer Mode of your Android device, to do this just dial any of these codes with your device *#*#3646633#*#* or *#7465625# If none of the codes works for your device, then download Android MobileUncle app here and install it on your device to access the Engineer Mode .navigate to the second menu option Connectivity by the right On the Connectivity options, go down and choose CDS Information, Radio Information, Phone2 and you should now see the “ AT+ ” command line without the quotation. Note here that the Phone2 you chose above signifies that you are changing the IMEI of your SIM2 Now just add this command EGMR=1,10,”Your 15 digit BB IMEI” to the AT+ line to have something like this AT +EGMR=1,10,”357490978658998” and then press the SEND AT COMMAND button. You will now get a successful command sent message, just press done and reboot your phone, then use *#06# to confirm that your IMEI has changed

Note from the command line above, if you press the SEND AT COMMAND button after inputting on the command line as indicated and you get an error message, then rewrite the command line with a space in between AT and +EGMR i.e. AT (space) +EGMR=1,10,”Your 15 digit BB IMEI” so it will now look like this AT +EGMR=1,10,”Your 15 digit BB IMEI” and always remember to include the double opening and closing quotations on the IMEI part of the command line only as indicated. Again as mentioned above, it was the Phone2(SIM2) IMEI that was changed, so if you want to change the IMEI of your SIM1, when you get to the Radio Information as prescribed above, instead of choosing the Phone2 option, now choose the Phone1 and the AT+ command line should now be AT +EGMR=1,7”Your 15 digit BB IMEI” against AT +EGMR=1,10,”Your 15 digit BB IMEI” which was for Phone2(SIM2). Complete the process like before. 

Download IMEI generator

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